Koshin-tō (庚申塔) At The Place One Encounters The Gods


Whenever I stroll along the streets of Japan, I am consistently captivated by the enchanting presence of Koshin-tō, ancient stone statues of Buddha that have gracefully withstood the test of time. These remarkable Koshin-tō structures have been standing tall for several hundred years, carrying the rich cultural heritage of the land. Today, I am delighted to introduce you to the extraordinary Koshin-tō located at Daito 2-chome in Urawa, Saitama. Nestled within the embrace of an ancient road’s three-way intersection, this Koshin-tō holds a significant place in history. Known as the gateway to the Six Realms, a sacred realm where divine encounters are said to take place, this intersection beckons us to delve into a realm of mystique and wonder.

Who are they?
From right handside:
#1: Koshin-to (庚申塔): 3rd year of Hoei era (1706);
#2: Jizo Bodhisattva (念仏講供養塔), 1st year of Shotoku era (1711);
#3: a standing statue of Amida Nyorai (阿弥陀如来) (百万遍供養塔), 8th year of Bunsei era (1825);
#4: a statue of Nyoirin Kannon (如意輪観音), year – unknown;

A group of Koshin-tō statues in a residential area located at Daito 2-Chome of Urawa Ward in Saitama

Why here?
It’s a three-way intersection on an ancient road that comes from Kisaki (木崎), Mimuro (三室), and Segasaki(瀬ケ崎). It is said that this intersection is both the entrance and exit of the Six Realms, a ‘place where one encounters the gods.’ There are four stone pagodas, including the Koshin pagoda, Jizo bodhisattva, Amida Nyorai, and Kannon bodhisattva. There is also a statue of Fudoson(Acala) (不動) nearby.

The Fudoson that is also at this three-way intersection.

